

Mythology of Cairo

Here visitors will be able to read about interesting details from antient Egypt. How Egyptians prepared themselves for afterlife, what is the meaning of hieroglyphs, what was the role of the pharaoh in Egypt and how the pyramids were constructed. These articles are interesting as they reveal the secrets of one of the oldest civilizations in the world.



The word "Pharaoh" means "he who lives in the palace". The Egyptians treated their Pharaohs as gods embodied in various shapes and forms - representatives of Gods on Earth. They were considered "higher beings" - a kind of "superhumans" and they were given names that would translate as "son of the god Ra" or "giver of life as the god Ra", believing that no ordinary name can express the majesty of the particular ruler. Egyptians also believed that thanks to their service, the ruler was able to raise the sun to the sky every morning and force the Nile to flood wide areas with fertile silt at the end of each summer.

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Although life of Egyptians contained numerous magical and religious activities, Egyptian collective archetypal consciousness was largely concerned with death. Death was viewed as the interruption of life, a hurdle that one must cross to reach eternity. With the development of a highly sophisticated and complex society, the rulers of the early communities were buried in elaborate brickwork tombs that were intricately furnished. Over the centuries the belief that the body of an individual should be preserved after death was developed.

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The pyramids are a tangible symbol of determination, ingenuity and human supremacy over death. For this reason, they will continue to attract human attention forever. Pyramids are the most famous symbol of Egypt. They represent the final evolution of the original burial idea of ​​the first Pharaonic dynasties that started from a simple anonymous tomb in the vast deserts, concluding with the perfect completion of the pyramids (the form of fire) - the first symbol of the 4 fundamental elements of a human being. Over time, pyramids became more complex thanks to the great Egyptian architect Imhotep, however, the shapes of pyramids we can see today in the plateau of Giza were invented later. King Snefru, the father of Cheops, studied various ideas and put them into practice in order to achieve the perfect futuristic structures that fascinate millions of people even today.

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The Egyptians did not paint actual events from their lives, but rather their pictures were the kind of diagrams believed to have the magical power. In order to preserve the magical power of their art, the artists emulated the artistic style of their ancestors with utmost precision, thus all artists from the ancient Egypt painted in the same way, creating very similar pictorial projections. These depictions in tombs are closely related to the Egyptian pictorial letter or hieroglyphics believed to have originated around 5,000 years ago.

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