



The Egyptians did not paint actual events from their lives, but rather their pictures were the kind of diagrams believed to have the magical power. In order to preserve the magical power of their art, the artists  emulated the artistic style of their ancestors with utmost precision, thus all artists from the ancient Egypt painted in the same way, creating very similar pictorial projections.

These depictions in tombs are closely related to the Egyptian pictorial letter or hieroglyphics believed to have originated around 5,000 years ago.

The Egyptians also attributed magical powers to hieroglyphics and used them mostly in temples and tombs. Hieroglyphic symbols, that is, a pictorial letter, actually represent the whole words connected to the special symbols that artists used to describe the life and beliefs of the deceased buried in that tomb.

Visitors should know that it took years until one tomb was properly depicted. So, one starts when he/she is very young so that the tomb is ready when they die, to be buried in it. Afterlife, for ancient Egyptians had very important meaning, as they believed that life on Earth is only one phase, some sort of preparatory process for the afterlife.

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