

Tourist map of Supermarkets in Prague

On this page you willfind the locations of different supermarkets in the city center of Prague. By offering such information, we believe to save the time of the visitors of the city, the time that can be spent much better on visiting beautiful tourist attractions.

There are numerous supermarket chains in the city that positioned themselves quite differently. Some, for example Albert and Lidl, concentrated more on the affordability of their products, while others more on the shopping experience and brand image, offering products at much higher prices. On this list you will find several supermarkets that may come in handy, that are located in the city center and easy to reach.

In order to see the locations of all of the tourist attractions, museums and places of interest in Prague, we advise you to open the map on the page of Prague. This is how you will be able to discover locations of sights, museums, shopping zones, etc. that are close to your hotel or close to other attractions you do not want to miss.

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