

Tourist map of National Roman Museum Palazzo Altemps

How to reach National Roman museum, Palazzo Altemps
As you can notice on the map, the closest metro station to Palazzo Altemps is quite far away. Therefore, we suggest using one of the numerous bus lines mentioned below which all stop really close to the museum in Via Zanardelli. Also, it is important to mention that Palazzo Altemps is really close to Piazza Navona and Castel Sant Angelo. Since, these two attractions are quite popular among tourists, keep in mind that you can also visit this museum while you are here.

Address: Piazza di Sant’Apollinare 46.
Station Spagna; it’s on A line (red line), located around 1.3 kilometers from the destination.
Buses: C3, 30, 70, 81, 87, 116, 130, 186, 492, 628.

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