

Tourist map of Villa Borghese Park

How to reach Villa Borghese
The easiest way to reach Villa Borghese is from Piazza del Popolo. The park has 9 entrances, but this one is the most used one. Also, if you are not familiar with the bus network in Rome, we advise that you use metro (station Flaminio).

Station Flaminio; it’s on the A (red line).
Buses- 61, 117, 119, 120, 150, 160, 490, 495, 590, 628, C3.

(!) The park is quite extensive. For someone coming for the first time it may be hard to find their way on the standard tourist map, because the roads and street on the map are small and hard to read. Decide what you would like to see first and then chose the rout that suits you best.

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