

Caixa Forum

Caixa Forum

Caixa Forum is a cultural center built on an already existing concrete structure, which was intended as a parking space. The space is used much better. This project actually has two purposes- one above ground and one below ground. The underground purpose is to serve as an exhibition center, auditorium and workshop. There are also the offices of the center as well as a cafe for employees and visitors.

Above this underground cultural center is a parking lot and a small covered square. The underground space represents the inner world, something that is hidden, and the canopy that partially covers the square represents the outer world, something that is material and visible, something that responds to limitations. The rooms of both the outside and the inside world are connected by natural light. The canopy has the shape of the trees that grow nearby, which indicates the important connection and harmony of nature and architecture. That they don't bounce off each other a lot. This canopy conducts the solar energy all the way to the underground rooms, where the sunlight through the floor is transformed into vibrations. Then light becomes matter. The cultural center is a place of culture as well as science.

Performances by musicians and actors, exhibitions of the past, present and future. All this can be experienced in this cultural center.

  • The cultural center is open every day.
  • The regular ticket price for adults is EUR 6.00

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact:; instagram: travel_europe1

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