

Tourist map of Skadarlija bohemian quarter

How to reach Skadarlija, the bohemian quarter in Belgrade
Skadarlija is located really close to the city center of Belgrade. It can easily be reached from the Republic square, which is very-well connected with numerous bus lines to the rest of the city. Due to its proximity to the city center, most visitors find it on foot, since it is just several hundred meters away from the Republic square (Trg Republike).

Buses: 24, 26, 27, 27E, 31, 32E, 35, 37, 43, 44, 96 (stop Trg republike), 16, 58, 95 (stop Dom omladine).
Trolleybuses: 19, 21, (stop Trg republike), 22, 28, 29, 41 (stop Studentski trg).

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