
Sri Lanka:

Tourist map of Sri Lanka

This is the map of all tourist attractions in Sri Lanka that includes the lactations of all sights, museums, beaches, temples picturesque train rides and other places of interest. You can zoom in or out the map and discover what is hidden in different zones of the island. This map is a very useful tool for those that wish to plan their trip and also allows our visitors to get familiar with what is located near their accommodation and to discover what is hidden next to the famous attractions of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is a beautiful country characterized by enchanted beaches, untouched jungles, rich wildlife, especially elephants that play a crucial part in the local culture and heritage, but also fast developing cities, long cultural heritage that can be gasped after visiting numerous religious sights spread all across the country.

The two probably most visited and most well-known beaches in Sri Lanka are Hikkaduwa and Mirissa beach, beauty of which will leave no one indifferent. Both of these beaches are sandy beaches with sometimes high waves. On the other hand, Polhena beach is a bit less known sandy beach with low waves but by some defined as the most romantic beach in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is also home to many temples that are more 2000 years old and that are under the UNESCO protection. Sigiriya Temple is probably the most well-known to foreign tourists and certainly one of the most picturesque ones. It is located on the top of a high rock and it can only be reached by 1200 stairs that like e serpent go around the rock.
Dambulla Royal Cave Temple, is yet another well-known temple that holds murals that depict the scenes from the life of Buddha that are more than 2000 years old.
Pidurangala cave and roc temple is located on top of a volcanic rock and apart from the beautiful scenery it is famous for its 12.5 meter Buddha statue that was for a long time the longest Buddha stone statue in the world.
Finally, the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy holds the holy relic of the Buddha’s tooth that is rarely displayed to the public.

This is the icon that we use for all tourist attractions on this and other maps.

This is the icon that we use for all beaches on this and other maps.

By clicking on any of these icons you can see the name of the attraction and the links that will take you directly to the specific article.

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