

Photos of Munich

On this page our visitors will find the best photos of Munich, its monuments, sights, tourist attractions and museums. This is the fastest way to get to know Munich and what this beautiful city has to offer. Browsing through the photos you will have a unique chance to, just in a few minutes, get to know Munich and get an idea of the tourist attractions that may interest you.

Tourist destinations in Germany:


This is a complete tourist guide to Munich, Germany. We offer the up-to-date information as for what to visit and what to see in Munich. This information will help you get a bigger picture as regards to tourist attractions this city has to offer. Munich is the second most visited city in German and the capital city of Bavaria. The main attractions that draw this many tourists to Munich are: Nymphenburg Palace that looks almost as lavish as Versailles palace in France, Marienplatz with its astonishing New Town Hall, one of the largest parks in the world called English Garden, Odeonsplatz where the first Nazi putsch had failed back in 1923, just to name some attractions.

Discover Munich

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