

Tourist map of Munich

This is the map of all tourist attractions in Munich, that includes the lactations of all museums, sights and other popular tourist destinations in and outside the city. You can zoom in or out the map and discover what is hidden in different zones of the city. This map is a very useful tool for those that wish to plan their trip and also allows our visitors to get familiar with what is located near their accommodation and to discover what is hidden next to the famous attractions of the city.

Munich is the second most visited city in Germany and the capital city of Bavaria. The main tourist attractions that draw this many tourists to the city are certainly: Marienplatz with it beautiful New Town Hall, English Garden that is one of the largest parks in the world, if not the largest, Nymphenburg Palace which looks like the Versailles palace near Paris, Allianz Arena- home to Bayern Munich football club, BMW’s museum etc. It is very important to mention that Munich is also home to numerous museums and art galleries that have positioned themselves on the world map of the most well-known attractions. For example, Alte Pinakothek offers works of art of some of the most famous painters (Leonardo da Vinci, Titan, Durer, Raphael, Van Dyck, Rubens etc.). Also, the Deutsches Museum in Munich is the world's largest museum of science and technology, with about 28,000 exhibited object.
Near Munich there also numerous lakes that are very well-known both among the locals and tourists. Moreover, the famous Neuschwanstein castle, the castle that ended up on the Disney’s logo, is just one-hour drive from Munich. Munich is also home to many festivals, most famous being the October fest.
If we add to this the famous Bavarian beer and cuisine, it is no wonder why so many visitors decide to make a stop right here and get to know Munich much better.

This is the icon that we use for all tourist sights in Munich.

This is the icon that we use for all museums in Munich.

By clicking on any of these icons you can see the name of the attraction and the links that will take you directly to a specific article.

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