

Tourist map of Basilica of San Lorenzo and Colonne di San Lorenzo

How to reach Basilica San Lorenzo and the Columns of San Lorenzo
For most tourists the easiest way to reach the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Milan is to use the metro system of the city. The metro station Missori is located around 850 meters away from the church. However, in case you are familiar with the tram network of the city, tramline 3 stops right in front of the church. It is also worth mentioning that this whole area is well-known for shopping and nightlife. In case you have the time you can also visit the famous Navigli zone as well as the well-known Basilica of Sant Eustorgio.

Station Missori; it’s on the Yellow line Metropolitana 3 (MM3).
Station S. Ambrogio; it’s on the Green line Metroploitana 2 (MM2).

Trams- 3 (stop Colonne di S. Lorenzo).
Buses- 94.

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