

Excursions of Milan

This page is dedicated to excursions or road trips you might want to organize for yourself while staying in Milan. Apart from unique Cinque Terre or Five Lands that are located a bit further away from the city, there are several other destinations that may be of interest. There is a very interesting city Vigevano, really close to the city, while the Lake Como and the Lake Maggiore are within the acceptable distance and can be visited in one day. This page was envisioned to allow you to browse through the most well-known excursion locations around Milan, in order to get an idea, in just a few minutes, what this region has to offer. Also, each article is backed up with a large number of photos allowing you to really get to know destinations around Milan as fast as possible.

City of Vigevano

City of Vigevano

Vigevano is a city in northern Italy located just 36 kilometers from the centre of Milan. This historically important city with a beautiful city square called Piazza Ducale and the enchanting castle called Castello Sforzesco should draw more attention of an international tourist, due to its proximity to Milan and all the things it has to offer.

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Cinque Terre: Colorful five cities in Italy

Cinque Terre: Colorful five cities in Italy

Five Lands or in Italian Cinque Terre is one of very well-known and well-visited tourist attractions of Italy, but still unique and breathtaking. Lovely Mediterranean landscape, houses that seem like painted in all shades and hues of the colour spectrum and hovering in midair hanging off a cliff side, will offer a chance for sightseeing, a mouthwatering meal and even a romantic walk.

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