

Tourist map of Cinque Terre: Colorful five cities in Italy

How to reach Five Lands from Milan
Cinque Terre are located around 230 kilometers away from Milan, nevertheless there have been people that managed to visit these 5 beautiful cities in one day leaving from Milan. Even though Pisa and Genoa are much closer cities, there are many people who seem to think about visiting Cinque Terre right from Milan, since Milan is a very well-known tourist destination.

Visit Cinque Terre by train
There are direct trains from the station Milano Centrale (Central station) to La Spezia Centrale (Spezia Central station). The trip lasts from three  to four hours depending on a train that you choose and the cost goes from 20€ upwards depending on the class, availability etc.

 (!) There are trains that operate between La Spezia Central station and Levanto. Along this stretch five towns of Cinque Terre are located, and by using these trains you will be able to visit all of them. During the season, the trains leave even every half an hour. The ticket is around 4€ and it is valid for 75 minutes after cancelation.

Visti Cinque Terre by car
There are two highway directions that you can take in order to reach Cinque Terre
By passing by Piacenza; it’s 220 km long and it’ll take around 2h30min in order to reach the destination.
By passing by Genoa (A7); it’s 240km long and it’ll take around 2h45min in order to reach one’s destination. The highway toll for this direction is around 15€.

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