

Tourist map of Perast

On this map you can find all of the tourist attractions of Perast. This map shows the locations of: all tourist sights, museums, most important islands etc. You can zoom in or out the map and discover what is hidden in different areas of the city. This map will help you plan your trip and help you discover what is near your hotel or near your favorite destinations in the city that you do not want to miss.

Perast is a baroque city where visitors will have the chance to visit incredible palaces, wonderful islands of St. George and Our Lady of the Rocks, enjoy the sun and beautiful beaches and taste some unique local dishes such as famous Perast cake.
Perast is a simple town, with only one street along the coast. Steep stairs lead to the higher parts of the city and to the main highway, which passes right next to Perast. Perast is only 12 kilometers away from Kotor, opposite to the gorge of Verige, in Boka Kotorska.

This is the icon that we use for all tourist sights on this and other maps

By clicking on any of these icons you can see the name of the attraction and the links that will take you directly to a specific article.

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