

Information of Perast

On this page visitors will find the general information about Perast. We included the general information page for this destination so that our visitors can inform themselves about supermarkets, souvenir shops, public transport, parking, boat tours etc.

Public transport in Perast

Public transport in Perast

The BLUE LINE city bus runs every hour on the route: Kotor-Risan and Risan-Kotor and passes through Perast. The bus stops are located at the entrance to Perast, at the main square St Nikola, and at the exit from Perast. The bus ticket price from Perast to Kotor costs 1.00€, Ticket Price from Risan to Perast and vice versa costs 0.70€. For all trips beyond Kotor, you need to go to the main bus station in Kotor or Risan.

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Parking in Perast

Parking in Perast

Perast has two large parking lots located at both entrances to the city. Only locals and guests of hotels and apartments with their own parking are allowed to enter with their cars. The ticket price for one hour in the main parking is 0.50€ while 24h costs 8€. The parking price is constantly changing.

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Post office in Perast

Post office in Perast

The post office is located on the main square of St. Nikola. Working hours of post office: every day from 8:30am to 2:30pm. The post office is closed on Sundays. Perast has only one ATM where it is possible to withdraw money. This ATM is located at the Hotel Conte. It is important to note that credit cards are accepted everywhere.

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Perast beaches

Perast beaches

Perast does not have beaches in a classical sense of the word, but just stone piers. The only and most famous beach bar, located at the entrance to Perast, is "Pirate's Bar". Here young people love to spend their time, sipping cocktails and enjoying good parties. At the other end of Perast, there is a public concrete beach called Borici, shaded by pines, which is not the case with other beaches along the coast. This is where locals and guests regularly play bowling.

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Souvenir shops in Perast

Souvenir shops in Perast

There are only 3 souvenir shops in Perast: on the island of Our Lady of the Rocks, where the only public toilet is located, then a "handmade" souvenir shop next to the City Museum, as well as a small shop with antiques right next to the museum. The third souvenir shop is called "Chains" and is located next to the hotel "Admiral".On the square of St. Nikola, it is possible to buy beautiful paintings, but also in the parking lot, where a local artist is painting and selling his works for years.

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