

Information of Risan

On this page visitors will find the general information about Risan. We included the general information page for this destination so that our visitors can inform themselves about supermarkets, souvenir shops, public transport, parking, boat tours etc.

Parking in Risan

Parking in Risan

The former port of Risan was converted into a large parking lot, where it is now possible to leave a car for free. Although every apartment in Risan has its own parking space, visitors shall find no problems parking here.

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Souvenir shop in Risan

Souvenir shop in Risan

The main and only souvenir shop in Risan is located in Roman mosaics, but there is also a tourist agency "Amfora" located on the main promenade, which offers souvenirs from Risan. Accommodation in Risan is possible to find at the same agency. Where there are no hotels (the largest Teuta Hotel is being renovated)

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Post office in Risan

Post office in Risan

The main post office is located at Risan’s waterfront, where the main bus station is. The post office is open every day except on Sundays, from 8:00 am to 2.30 pm. Visitors can reach Risan by local bus Blue Line, which runs from Kotor to Risan and the ticket price from Kotor costs 1.00 €. Every 1h 15min, the bus leaves from Kotor to Risan and vice versa.

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