

Tourist map of Stone Bell House in Prague

How to reach Stone Bell House art gallery in Prague
Stone Bell House art gallery is located in the city center, just across the Old Town Square from the Astronomical Clock in Prague. Therefore, this is one of the easiest locations to find, since almost all visitors of the city will spend most of their time in this area of Prague. It is also worth mentioning that Stone Bell House is just next door to another well-known museum in Prague- Kinsky Palace Museum, a museum dedicated to the art of Asia.
Address: Staroměstské náměstí 605/13.
Station Staromĕstská; it’s on A (green line) metro line, around 350 meters from the destination.
Station Mûstek; it's on A (green) and B (yellow line) metro lines, around 600 meters from the destination.
Trams: 6, 9, 17, 18.

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