

Photos of Dante Alighieri’s Tomb

On this page visitors will find best photos of the tomb of Dante Alighieri, maybe the most important medieval European writer. His Devine Comedy was the work that brought him fame and immortality and represents a regular reading material in most literature courses throughout the world. These photo galleries allow our visitors to get to know a tourist attraction as fast as possible, as well as to discover important features of an attraction that should not be missed.

Dante Alighieri’s Tomb in Ravenna

Dante Alighieri’s Tomb in Ravenna

Oil lamp above the Dante Alighieri’s grave

Oil lamp above the Dante Alighieri’s grave

Dante Alighieri’s Tomb in Ravenna

Dante Alighieri’s Tomb in Ravenna

Dante Alighieri’s Tomb in Ravenna

Dante Alighieri’s Tomb in Ravenna

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