

Tourist map of Baths of Diocletian

How to reach Baths of Diocletian
Baths of Diocletian or in Italian Le Terme di Diocleziano is an ancient Roman structure located right next to the metro station Termini. Even though there are also numerous bus lines that stop close to this tourist attraction, the metro system is the most used means of transportation since it is easiest to use.
It is also important to mention that next to these baths there are also: Palazzo Massimo Museum and Basilica of Saint Mary of Angels and Martyrs, both of which are worth visiting.

Address: Viale Enrico de Nicola 79.
Station Termini, It’s on both A (red line) and B (blue line) metro lines.
Buses: C2, H, 36, 38, 40, 64, 86, 90, 92, 105, 170, 175, 217, 310, 360, 714, 910.

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