

Tourist map of Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome

How to reach Macro (Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome)
Macro Museum is located in the street Via Nizza, which is quite far away from the nearest metro station (1.1 km away). We advise you to use either metro and to get off at station Policlinico and from here to take trams 3 or 19 (stop Viale Regina Margherita- Nizza), or to use bus lines 38, 80, 89 which stop in Via Nizza.
While visiting this contemporary art gallery, keep in mind that Museums of Villa Torlonia are also close.

Address: Via Nizza 138.
Station Policlinico; it’s on the A (red line) line, some 1.1 km away from the destination.
Trams: 3, 19.
Busses: 38, 80, 89 and 88.

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