

Tourist map of National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome

How to reach National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome
National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome is located right next to the famous Villa Borghese Park in Rome. Tourists that visit this art gallery usually find it on their way out of the Borghese park or use metro and then walk for a while (Station Flaminio). The easiest way to reach the National Gallery of Modern Art is by using the tram, which stops right in front of the gallery.

Address: Via delle Belle Arti 131.
Metro: Flaminio station, located on the Aline (red line), 850 meters away from the destination.
Trams: 3 and 19 (Viale delle Station Belle Arti).
Buses: 88, 95, 490, 495 (Station Piazzale del Fiocco).

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