

Tourist map of Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome

How to reach Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome
The closest metro station to Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome is Ottaviano station which is more than one kilometer away. What most tourists usually do is to visit both the Baslica of Saint Peter and this castle at the same time, since these two attractions are relatively close to each other. Like in most cases in Rome, bus lines are much more convenient because bus stops are much closer to tourist attractions, but are much less used by tourists due to the complexity of the bus network in Rome.

Address: Lungotevere Castello 50.
Stattion Lepanto or Ottaviano San Pietro; it’s on the line A (red line) and 1.3 km away from the destination.

Buseus: 60, 23, 271, 982, 280 (Stop Piazza Pia), 34 (Stop Porta Castello), 49, 87, 926, 990 (Stop via Crescenzio), 64, 46 (Stop Santo Spirito).

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