Tourist map of Italy

Italy is one of the most desired tourist destinations, at least for European travelers. Recently, the numbers of Eastern travelers such as the Russians, Chinese, Malaysian and Japanese tourists have been increasing. The most visited destinations in Italy are Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence and Napoli. These well-known tourist destinations have drawn attention of travelers for centuries and continue to do so attracting around 80 million tourists each year.

Basic information
Italy is located in Southern Europe. In the north, the country borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia while the rest of the country is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Italy occupies the Italian Peninsula (often called a Boot due to its shape), two large islands, Sardinia and Sicily, as well as many small islands. On the Italian Peninsula there are two city states: Vatican (the papal city state in Rome) and San Marino.

Capital city: Rome (population 3 million-metropolitan area 4.3 million)
Country area: 300,000 km2 (116,000 sq miles).
Population: 61 million inhabitants.
Currency: Euro (€).
Italian flag:

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