Tourist map of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is becoming a popular tourist destination where visitors will witness the magical interweaving of the eastern and western culture and influence. The most visited destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina are: the capital city Sarajevo, the city of Mostar, the city of Trebinje - close to the Mediterranean coast, the Olympic mountain Jahorina, a holy place Medjugorje and the second largest city Banja Luka.

Basic information
Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in the hearth of Southeast Europe. To the north and the west the country borders Croatia, to the east Serbia and to the south Montenegro. Bosnia and Herzegovina exits with only a small area to the Mediterranean coast.

Capital city: Sarajevo (population 275,524)
Country area: 51,129 km² (19,741 sq. miles)
Population: 3.5 million inhabitants
Currency: Convertible Mark (BAM)
Bosnia and Herzegovina flag:

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