Tourist map of Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in South America, and the fifth-largest country in the world. Bordered by all South American countries except Chile and Ecuador, Brazil is famous for its scenery, most notably its lush forests, which include the incredible Amazon, the world’s largest jungle located in the north of the country. In addition to this, Brazil is famous for its dry grass lands (the so-called pampas), barren hills, pine forests, large swamps, huge plateaus, as well as the flat lands located near the shore. North Brazil is dominated by the Amazon river and the surrounding jungles. The Amazon is not a single river but, rather, a web of hundreds of smaller rivers. Thousands of species of fish live in the river, including piranhas and dolphins. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. According to recent studies, Brazil has a population of around 210 million.

The Capital of Brazil: Brazilia
The State population: 210 million inhabitants
The Area of Brazil: 8,515,767 km2
The Currency: Brazilian Real

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