

Information of Cairo

On this page visitors will find the general information about Egypt. We included the general information page for this destination so that our visitors can inform themselves about the visa process for entering the country, what to buy in Egypt, what to wear in Egypt, cigarette prices, internet and SIM cards etc.

Where to exchange money in Egypt

Where to exchange money in Egypt

The best option to exchange money in Egypt is at your hotel. Visitors can find exchange machines from the National Bank of Egypt there. The exchange rates are more than fair. In certain hotels, the exchange machines might not take large bills, so make sure that you bring smaller bills with you. Also, make sure that you have small bills of Egyptian currency, especially when you go to excursions as tipping is almost mandatory in Egypt. When visitors wish to purchase something, it is always better to ask for the price in EGP and to pay in EGP. For locals, €1, $1 or £1 - it’s all the same.

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When to visit Egypt

When to visit Egypt

Egypt has different landscapes and consequently different climates. Here are the main areas and the best times to visit them based on the climate. Northern Egypt (Mediterranean coast, Cairo, and Alexandria): Ideally visitors should come during spring and autumn - when the heat is not yet intense and the rains are scarce. Eastern Egypt (Coasts of the Red Sea, Marsa Alam, and Sharm el-Sheikh): During spring and autumn because the temperatures are not too high. Central-Southern Egypt (Inland areas and desert): From November to February, when temperature, although still hot, is tolerable.

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The art of bargaining

The art of bargaining

In European countries, people are used to fixed prices. What you see is what you pay. This way, the customers do not have to think about how much something will cost them or calculate how much money they will spend in the end. However, this is not how it is in Egypt. It might be frustrating for someone who is not coming from a world where bargaining is an everyday occurrence, but you will have to get used to it if you wish to purchase something here. Haggling is like riding a bike, the more you do it the better you will be at it. Haggling is considered to be part of the local culture in Egypt and visitors should get used to it.

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