

Tourist map of Budapest

On this map you can find all of the tourist attractions of Budapest. This map shows the locations of: all tourist sights, museums, most important religious sites, shopping zones etc. You can zoom in or out the map and discover what is hidden in different areas of the city. This map will help you plan your trip and help you discover what is near your hotel or near your favorite destinations in the city that you do not want to miss.

The capital of Hungary, Budapest, is a city that seduces at first sight. To get to know this city, it is necessary to wander through it. It stretches along the banks of the beautiful blue Danube and lies on a total of 9 bridges. The right side of the Danube is called Budim and it is hilly, and on the left side, in the lowland part, Pest is located. The symbol of Budapest is the Parliament building, an imposing building that is reflected in the Danube, and which adorns the most important Chain Bridge in the immediate vicinity. The three cities created Budapest, Buda, Obuda and Pest, in 1873. After Vienna and Bratislava, Budapest is the third city to develop along the Danube. This wonderful city is made up of a large number of tourist attractions. The Fisherman's Bastion is just one of the attractions that make this city magnificent. The seven towers represent the seven Hungarian founders of the state and the city. With about two million inhabitants, Budapest is a significant cultural, administrative, economic and trade center of Hungary. A very rich history with cultural treasures makes Budapest one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

This is the icon that we use for all tourist sights on this and other maps.

This is the icon that we use for all museums on this and other maps.

This is the icon that we use for shopping zones on this or any other map.

By clicking on any of these icons you can see the name of the attraction and the links that will take you directly to a specific article.

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