

Tourist map of Sights in Barcelona

This is the map of all tourist sights in Barcelona. Here, you will find locations of the most important tourist attractions as well as of those a bit less known, so that you will be able to organize your visit to the city in a very fast manner and to see which tourist sights are close to each other.

Barcelona is a beautiful city that can offer you numerous cultural experiences and amazing beaches that are only a few minutes walk from the city center. The architecture of Barcelona will delight you. Many great painters and artists have created in this city and their influence is evident today in Barcelona and around the world. Here we primarily mean Picasso and Miro. While on the beach you can try some of the best seafood the Mediterranean has to offer, and there are many great restaurants and bars offering tapas. Barcelona is the largest Mediterranean city with 1.7 million inhabitants.

This is the icon that we use for all tourist sights on this and other maps

This is how you will be able to discover locations of sights, museums, shopping zones etc. that are close to your hotel or close to other attractions you do not want to miss. Please visit our map of Barcelona page. These maps will help you plan your trip, and decide which attractions you can manage to visit depending on your preferences and time available.

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