

Museums of Prague

On this page visitors will find a full list of all museums in Prague. Short descriptions and photos will help you choose which museums you would like to visit. Prague offers a wide range of museums that will satisfy interests of most visitors. Museums are dedicated to technology, history, religious art, modern art etc. Don’t forget that in Prague there are numerous museums that are not only located in the city center. Therefore, do not follow the crowd, be courageous and visit even the museums that are located a bit outside the city center.

Army museum Žižkov in Prague

Army museum Žižkov in Prague

The Army museum in Prague is a perfect destination for all history and army lovers. Even people not that interested in the periods of the two World wars might get emotionally attached to individual stories of people in concentration camps. The museum is divided in sections of different themes: holocaust, Nazi terror, soldiers in tranches facing each other etc.

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Jewish Museum in Prague

Jewish Museum in Prague

Jewish museum is an important tourist sight of Prague. Many tourists visit it every year in order to learn more about Jewish customs, religion and the history of Jewish society in Prague. Before you decide to visit this sight, read the article in order to inform yourself what can be visited, and the ticket prices which are a bit high in comparison to other sites in Prague.

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Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia

Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia

In the convent of St Agnes of Bohemia visitors may enjoy both permanent and temporary exhibitions in a beautiful monastery complex. The permanent exhibition is devoted to medieval art, mostly with religious motifs, while the temporary ones will have different themes. Even those that have little interest in religious art may find this huge exhibition area and its content very interesting.

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Kinsky Palace in Prague

Kinsky Palace in Prague

Kinský Palace is a museum dedicated to the art of Asia and is located just across the square from the Old City Hall and the astronomical clock. It offers a unique collection of art pieces from Asia and it is a rare one in the whole Central and Easter Europe region that exhibits art object from these faraway cultures.

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The City of Prague Museum

The City of Prague Museum

If you are in love with the city of Prague as usually many tourists are, you should visit the City of Prague Museum. It tells a story of the city of Prague from the period of prehistory and its first inhabitants, covers the arrival of Slavs, Medieval and Baroque period in Prague, all till the modern era and the beginning of the 19th century.

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