

Museums of Prague

On this page visitors will find a full list of all museums in Prague. Short descriptions and photos will help you choose which museums you would like to visit. Prague offers a wide range of museums that will satisfy interests of most visitors. Museums are dedicated to technology, history, religious art, modern art etc. Don’t forget that in Prague there are numerous museums that are not only located in the city center. Therefore, do not follow the crowd, be courageous and visit even the museums that are located a bit outside the city center.

Stone Bell House in Prague

Stone Bell House in Prague

Stone Bell House in Prague is a gallery under the management of Prague City Gallery dedicated exclusively to temporary exhibitions. The building in which the exhibitions are held is one of the surviving buildings in Prague from the 13th century. The building is a masterpiece itself and if you find interesting the exhibition on program do not miss to visit it.

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Mirror maze on Petrin hill

Mirror maze on Petrin hill

The mirror maze on the Petrin hill in Prague is quite a small one and during the summer periods can be really crowded, but it can also be a lot of fun. Usually, you need to wait in line in order to get in front of one of just 15 distorting mirrors. Nevertheless, it can be lots of fun, especially if you are in a good company or maybe seeing these mirrors for the first time.

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Museum of communism in Prague

Museum of communism in Prague

There is no doubt that the Museum of Communism doesn’t deserve to be the number one among tourist attractions of the city that it was given by most traveling websites. The collection is really small; the entrance is on the first floor next to a Casino and not that easy to find. Nevertheless, there are some interesting showpieces that may be attractive to visitors.

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