

Tourist map of Mirror maze on Petrin hill

How to reach the Mirror Maze on Petrin Hill
The Mirror Maze is located on the Petrin hill in Prague, just next to the Petrin hill observation tower. Both of these tourist attractions are located in a very well-known and a very large park of the city, which is visited by a large number of tourist and locals all year round.

There are multiple ways of reaching the maze.
You can reach the Ujezd Street by trams: 6, 9, 12, 20 and 22, and from there take one of the small railway cars that will take you from the stop Ujezd LD up to the hilltop. You can use regular transportation tickets even for this means of transportation. From the Ujezd Street you may also decide to take a walk to the hilltop through the large Petrin Park.
Finally, both the Mirror Maze and Petrin Tower can easily be reached from the Prague’s Castle  and the Strahov library.

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