

Tourist map of Scala Theatre in Milan

How to reach Scala Theatre in Milan
Scala Theatre is located on the Scala Square in the center of Milan. The magnificent Gallery of Vittorio Emanuele II represents a corridor that connects the Duomo Square with the Scala Square. Visitors can easily reach the theatre by using the metro system or one of the bus or tram lines that stop in the center of the city. In case you have time, we suggest you consider visiting the Gallery of Italy, located next to the Scala Theatre, as well as Duomo Cathedral, which is just a few dozen meters away from the theatre.

Station Duomo (the closest one); it’s on the red and yellow metro line Metropolitana 1 (MM1) and Metroploitana 3 (MM3).
Station Cordusio; it’s on the red line Metropolitana 1 (MM1).
Station  Montenapoleone; it’s on the yellow line Metroploitana 3 (MM3).
Tram-1, 2 (stop Manzoni-Scala).
Buses- 61 (stop Verdi-dell'Orso, it’s within the walking distance from the theatre).

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