

Information of Trebinje

On this page visitors will find the general information about Trebinje. We included the general information page for this destination so that our visitors can inform themselves about cigarette prices, internet and SIM cards etc.

Cigarette prices in Trebinje

Cigarette prices in Trebinje

Cigarette prices in Trebinje, as in whole Bosna and Herzegovina are much lower than in EU countries. Cigarette prices in Trebinje range from 5 KM to 6 KM ( from 2.5 € to 3 €). It is important to point out that Herzegovina produces high quality tobacco called 'hercegovački ravnjak'. This tobacco received from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) from Geneva an international register of origin and this tobacco is protected by law and classified as unique variety of tobacco grown only in Herzegovina.

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The Public Transport

The Public Transport

The Public transport in Trebinje is not organized in the best possible way, but we must admit that it is not even necessary in this city. Namely, Trebinje is a city of about 30,000 inhabitants whose surrounding area is not so developed, so almost the population lives in the city center. Visitors can reach everz tourist attraction on foot. Crs are used for long distant estinations. If you do not like to walk, we advise you to rent bicycles, or ask at the accommodation where you are staying to borrow them. That way, you will tour the entire city and its surroundings without using buses or cars.

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