

Lists of Trebinje

On this page you may find the list of best tourist attractions in Trebinje. All attractions and sights are recommended by locals, which is why we are sure that you will have the possible experience when visitng this incredible city.

Best attractions in Trebinje

Best attractions in Trebinje

On this page visitors shall find list of the best attractions in Trebinje. Trebinje is wonderful city located in the very south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The city is located in the valley of the river Trebisnjica, on the border between Bosnia, Montenegro and Croatia. Trebinje has a rich cultural and historical heritage, which is why the development of tourism in this area was inevitable.

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Most important holy places in Trebinje

Most important holy places in Trebinje

On this page visitors can find the best and most visited holy places in Trebinje. Trebinje was at the crossroads between different influences. From the Ottoman Empire, through Byzantium to the Serbian state. Thus, the cultural influences were different over time. That is why, in addition to the Orthodox churches in Trebinje, there are also Catholic churches as well as beautiful mosques built during the rule of the Turks.

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