
Kos Island:

Roman Odeum in Kos

Roman Odeum in Kos

Odeums used to be comparatively small theatres in the ancient Greece and Rome in which orators and musicians regularly performed. The Odeum in the Town of Kos was constructed in the 2nd century AD its size was 30x32m and it was 12 meters high. In the ancient times it could host 750 spectators. The Odeum in Kos was discovered by the Italian archeologist Laurenzi in 1929, during the Italian occupation of the island.

Despite the fact that the auditorium was originally designed for hosting musical competitions, it was also used as the seat for the local senate. Originally this theatre had 14 rows of seats most of which have been restored.

Interesting facts

  • Some historians suggest that Odeums were constructed for the first time in the ancient Greece because early Greek musical instruments could not be heard in the vast open amphitheaters in which drama performances were held.
  • According to the Greek biographer Plutarch, the first Odeum was built at Athens by the statesman Pericles about 435 BC.

Ticket price for the Roman Odeum in Kos
The entrance is free of charge.

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