

Ravenna seaside Lido Adriano

Ravenna seaside Lido Adriano

Lido Adriano is definitely the most visited beach on Ravenna’s shore. It is completely devoted to tourism, meaning that visitors will find numerous souvenir stores, restaurants and cafés and enjoy hot summer days in walks with soft breeze from the Adriatic sea.

Lido Adriano is located around 13km away from Ravenna and it belongs to the group of Lidi Sud or southern beaches. Apart from Lidi Sud there are also a group of beaches called Lidi Nord (northern beaches). Nevertheless, southern shore is much more appreciated by domestic and international visitors.

Lido di Adriano is characterized by numerous small to mid-size hotels, bars and restaurants. The beaches are of fine sand, like most beaches on the Adriatic coast. Lido Adriano is the most visited destination of both domestic and international tourists among all towns of Ravenna’s shore. As it is visited by numerous foreign tourists, the prices in numerous bars are much higher than in the city of Ravenna. This practice continues even during the low season when there are almost no visitors in the town.

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