

Information of Tivat

On this page visitors will find the general information about Tivat. We included the general information page for this destination so that our visitors can inform themselves about public transport in Tivat, shopping zones, accommodation and Tivat Airport. This simple guide will help visitors to organize themselves in the best possible way.

Airport Tivat

Airport Tivat

Tivat Airport is just a 10-minute drive from Tivat and just a few kilometers from Kotor. The airport is the only one on the Montenegrin coast and the second airport in Montenegro (there is one more airport in the capital city Podgorica). During the summer months, this airport is the most visited one, and Montenegro Airlines planes fly daily to almost all European cities.

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Tivat Bus Station

Tivat Bus Station

Buses traveling from all over Montenegro to Tivat disembark and board all the passengers at the main bus station, which is located near the Tivat Airport. Buses that depart from the main bus station in Kotor reach Tivat in just 10 minutes, as Kotor and Tivat are the two cities divided only by one tunnel.

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Shopping and Accommodation

Shopping and Accommodation

Accommodation in Tivat is quite diverse. From private villas and apartments to luxurious hotels and those that are more affordable. Accommodation can be found near the sea, but also above the city, and therefore further away from the beach and the city center, but in a quieter setting. Cafes, restaurants and lounge bars are spread all over the city, on the promenade in the city center (Magnolia Square), and the most popular once are situated in Porto Montenegro, a new modern marina.

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