
Saint Petersburg:

Tourist map of Peterhof palace

How to arrive to Peterhof in Saint Petersburg
Visitors may arrive to Peterhof by train, bus, minibus or by hydrofoil. Hydrofoil is the easiest option as the ride takes only 45minutes, through the bay of Finland. Visitors shall be picked up at Neva docks, Admiralteyskaya Embankment, 2. The price ticket is 850 RUB per person/one direction.
Visitors may take metro, line M1, from the city center of Saint Petersburg. They should get off at the AVTOVO station and from there catch one of the minibuses K-224, K-300 or K-424. Visitors may also take public buses №200 or №210. It will take approx. 1.5h from the center of Saint Petersburg to Peterhof.
Ticket price for the public bus/metro is 45 RUB/one direction.

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