
Gran Canaria:

Los Tilos de Moya

Los Tilos de Moya

The Tilos de Moya Natural Reservation is a bay wood natural reservation, where one can see over 50 subspecies of the plant. It is an ideal spot for mountaineering enthusiasts, with many paths passing through the bay forest, with all the paths being labeled as “Grade One”, meaning that you don’t need to be in particularly good physical shape to complete any of the trails.

As you enter the reservation, you may not be taken aback by its beauty, as the path to the reservation goes parallel to the highway, but as soon as you pass this portion of the trip, you will find yourself in a forest, surrounded by many types of bay trees, as well as many kinds of opuntia (a subspecies of cactus native to Mexico, this cactus has tasty fruits which form at the very tips of its leaves. The fruit is deemed ripe once it takes on an orange or reddish color, but be careful sampling the fruit with your bare hands, as the fruit is covered by small, beige thorns which are hard to spot on your hands. The thorns aren’t particularly sharp, but they will be a bother).

At the very entrance to the reservation, you will be greeted with a map of its different mountaineering paths and at that point you should choose the path you are going to follow.

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