
Sri Lanka:

Tourist map of Matara beach

How to arrive to Matara beach
In order to arrive to Matara visitors may use the train. There is a direct train from Colombo to Matara. The ticket price is approx. 350 LRK per person. The ride takes approx. 4 hours. Visitors may also choose to take the bus. Number 32 will also take you from Colombo to Matara. The price is approx. 400 LRK per person and the ride will last approx. 4h – 5h depending on traffic.
There is also a private bus with air conditioning that takes the highway. It costs approx. 1000 LRK per person but it is the shortest ride.
Visitors can also choose to rent a car. The price is 20€ to 30€ per day.
Visitors might like to also rent a car with a driver. The price is 50€ per day.

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