

Tourist map of Church Santa Maria in Aracoeli

How to reach Church Santa Maria in Aracoeli
The Church Santa Maria in Aracoeli is located just behind the colossal monument called Vittoriano on Piazza Venezia in Rome. You can enter it even from the terraces of this monument. The basilica also has its own stairway which is a perfect place for tourists to sit and enjoy a view, take a break and visit this very important basilica.

Basilica is therefore very close to main tourists attractions of the city, such as: Capitol Hill, Capitolini Museums, Roman Forum etc.
Most tourists find this destination on foot, which is a great way to avoid complex bus network of Rome, but rather tiring. Nevertheless, there is a myriad of bus lines that stop right beneath the entrance to the basilica as well as on the nearby Piazza Venezia.

Address: Scala dell’Arce Capitolina 14.
Station Colosseo; It’s on the B line (blue line), 810 meters away from the destination.
Buses: 30, 44, 46, 51, 60, 80, 85, 87, 190, 715, 716, 780, 781, 916.
Tram: 8.

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