

Gallery Giorgio Franchetti in Ca’d’ Oro

Gallery Giorgio Franchetti in Ca’d’ Oro

This art gallery is located in one of the historically most important palaces in Venice. The trouble is that the main facade is facing the Gran Canal and stays hidden for most tourists that tend to visit the city on foot. Nevertheless, this art gallery is worth visiting for those interested in the Venetian art, architecture and history.

This art gallery is located in the beautiful palace called Ca’d’ Oro (a golden house) on the bank of the Gran Canal. This palace in gothic style was named “a golden house” due to gilded decorations that once adorned the external façade. The palace itself was built in the 15th century and belonged to the family Contarini, one of the most influential Venetian families from which 8 Doges of Venice originated. After the fall of the Venetian Republic, the building changed hands several times. Finally, it was acquired by Baron Giorgio Franchetti who donated it to the state in 1916. Baron Franchetti collected art pieces throughout his life which are now exhibited in the gallery that bears his name.

Regarding the collection that, the most important art piece is certainly the painting San Sebastiano, painted by Andrea Montega. In order to exhibit this art piece in all of its beauty, the baron even built a small marble chapel just for it. Visitors are usually attracted to the following art piece: “Venere allo Specchio” by Titian, “Venere dormiente” by Paris Bordon, “crocifissione” by Jan Van Eyck etc. Apart from the paintings, the gallery also preserves a collection of sculptures and a collection of pottery and ceramics.
Finally, on the first and second floor of the building, it is permitted to access two large balconies with a beautiful view to the Gran Canal.

Ticket prices for the Gallery Giorgio Franchetti in Ca’d’ Oro
Regular ticket price is 6 Euros (€) (≈6.57$).
Reduced ticket price is 3 Euros (€) (≈3.29$).
Reduced price : European citizens between 18 and 25 years old.
Free entrance : European citizens younger than 18.
We advise you to check the prices on the official website of the Gallery G. Franchetti before visiting.

Working hours of the Gallery Giorgio Franchetti in Ca’d’ Oro
Working hours on Mondays are: 08:15-14:00h.
From Tuesday to Sunday working hours are: 08:15-19:15h..

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