

Restaurants of Venice

On this page visitors will find the list of places where to eat in Venice. From cheap bars to expensive restaurants, on this list you will find suggestions for everone’s budget. Our list is made based on recommendations of Venetians. Our visitors will not be able to find similar list in other webpages.

Restaurant Terazza Danieli

Restaurant Terazza Danieli

Restaurant Terazza Danieli is located on the roof top of a 5-star hotel Danieli Excelsior. Admittedly, this restaurant has a unique location – from this terrace visitors can see Venetian Lagoon. Even if you decide to sit inside, the spacious windows are there to make sure you do not miss out on the splendid view.

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Belmond Hotel Cipriani

Belmond Hotel Cipriani

Belmond Hotel Cipriani is located on an island Giudecca. This five star hotel owns three restaurants where visitors may enjoy a true culinary paradise. The chief motto of all three restaurants is: Time transcending glamour meets modern culinary artistry.

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Club del Doge

Club del Doge

Club del Doge has stunning location on the Grand Canal. Club del Doge offers an authentic Venetian gourmet cuisine with an emphasis on seasonal ingredients. The culinary art is combined with restaurant’s warm atmosphere, attentive service and stunning location.

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Harry’s Bar in Venice

Harry’s Bar in Venice

This is one of the oldest bars in Venice. Bars are normally associated only to coffee drinking and brioche in Italy however, it is hard to believe that one would go into Harry’s bar just for a cup of coffee, although some people simply do. This place is simply wonderful, from incredibly cozy restaurant atmosphere, great service and amazing location one could really say that Harry’s bar is the most perfect one in Venice.

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Cantina Do Spade

Cantina Do Spade

Cantina Do Spade is truly a wonderful restaurant in Venice. Cossetted away from the traffic jam, this restaurant offers a great menu with reasonable prices to its visitors. Here you may taste great cicchetti and sipping an ombra of good wine.

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