

Tourist map of Sights in Venice

On this map you can see all of the tourist sights of Venice. You can see their locations and how far away they are from each other. Most visited sights in Venice are certainly Piazza San Marco, Basilica of San Marco and Rialto Bridge. Keep in mind dough, that apart from these well-known attractions Venice offers so much more. During its history, Venice was an important city state that prospered due to commerce and its trading routes that reached distant lands. All these trading activities brought enormous wealth to the city that was in the stage of prosperity for centuries. This is why local lords and traders were able to build such beautiful palaces that on the one hand were symbols of their wealth while on the other hand they were located on main canals and used for storage of traded goods.
You can zoom in or zoom out the map or you can click on the icons in order to see the name of the attractions and find links that will lead you directly to articles.

This is the icon that we use for all tourist sights on this and other maps.

In order to see all of the attractions that draw attention of tourists in Venice, we advise you to open the Map Tool on the page Venice. This is how you will be able to discover locations of sights, museums, shopping zones etc. that are close to your hotel or close to the other attractions you do not want to miss. These maps will help you plan your trip, and decide which attractions you can manage to visit depending on your preferences and time available.

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