

Tourist map of Bridge Rialto in Venice

How to reach Bridge Rialto in Venice
On maps, Rialto Bridge is one of 4 bridges that cross the Gran Canal (Canale Grande) in Venice. For tourists, it is the most popular one because of its position and of course its beauty. Chances are high that only by wondering around you will cross this bridge several times.
Nevertheless, if you want to specifically visit this location in the city, you can easily find it on a map by just looking for one of the bridges that cross Gran Canal or you may choose to use vaporetto.

Vaporetto (Venetian bus boats) lines: 1, 2, and A (stop Rialto or Rialto Mercato).
On the other hand, if you decide to walk from Piazzale Roma, it will take you around 25 minutes depending on your rhythm of walking.

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