

Saint George Festival

Saint George Festival

Saint George, the patron of Barcelona. Saint George is very important for Barcelona, as well as Valentine’s Day. On Saint George’s Day, women are given roses. The legend says that Saint George killed a dragon in Montblanc, and that from the blood that flowed from the lifeless body of the monster was born a red rose. As the custom says, roses are wrapped in cellophane along with a wheat stalk; it is all bind together with a band in the colours of Barcelona (red and yellow). On the other and, men are given a book. This custom exists from 1923, and Valentine’s Day falls on 23 April, the same day as the World Book Day when back in 1616 two of the greatest writers passed away, William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes.

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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