

Villa Joana

Villa Joana

Villa Joana, located in the middle of Collserola Natural Park, is a two-storey house with a lookout and a gallery. Since 2016, the villa houses collection from the Barcelona History Museum. Besides history, there are also various documents about the villa as well as the works of the poet Verdauger, who died there back in 1902.
Jacint Verdauger was one of the most prominent individuals of Catalan art, especially literature. He wrote his poems in Catalan which he spread outside of Spain, presented them to the whole world, and which children learn about in schools. He was also a priest with the name of Father (“mossen”) Cinto. His best known poems are “L’Atlantida” (1887) and “Canigo” (1886). He created a masterpiece called “To Barcelona”, an ode dedicated to his hometown. He found inspiration in nature and history.
The villa was first mentioned in the 16th century when it served as an animal stable. In the 19th century, it became a property of the Miralles family. Around 1920, there was a school, a university from the time that consisted of several faculties. In the following 50 years, until 1973, the villa was an educational institution. After 1973, it was turned into a poet museum, and later it became a branch of the Barcelona History Museum. One part of it is dedicated to the university.
There is a grand clock on the façade that tells time. There is a big terrace with a dozen columns so the building resembles a dormitory where rich families’ children went to school. Verdauger’s rooms are unique because they have not been changed at all – they are authentic and displays his life and works that he wrote to his last day. Yellow façade, a lookout and unique both interior and exterior design make it look like a castle, “neither in heaven nor on earth”. It is 4.5 kilometers far from the city. It is located in the Villvidera district, and the National Park’s info center is nearby, with many projects and tours aimed at those who love nature.
Working hours

everyday, 10.00h – 14.00h

Entrance is free (with an exception to guided tours; one hour for a group of 15 people costs 75 euros).

Author of the text:

Maja Glavaš, Bachelor with Honours in Communicology. Works in Tourism.
Contact: [email protected]; instagram: travel_europe1

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