

Tourist map of Church Saint Agnese in Agone

How to reach Church Sant’ Agnese in Agone in Rome
Since the church Sant’ Agnise in Agone is located on Piazza Navona in Rome, we do not recommend to visitors to use metro in order to reach both of these tourist attractions. The closest metro station (Station Barberini) is 1.6 km away, therefore we suggest you use one of the bus lines that stop in Corso del Rinascimento, such as 30, 70, 81, 87, 130, 186 etc. Also, many tourists reach this city square on foot, since in its proximity there are numerous other tourist sights of Rome, as well as numerous museums, such as: Pantheon, Museum of Rome, Palazzo Altemps etc.

Address: Piazza Navona.
Buses: 30, 64, 62, 70, 81, 87, 116, 130F, 186, 492, C3, 916, 190.

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