

Tourist map of Noventa di Piave designer outlets

How to reach Noventa di Piave design outlet stores
From Piazzale Roma in Venice, Noventa di Piave is located around 43 kilometers in direction of the city of Trieste. If you decide to reach Noventa di Piave by car, you need to follow the sign “Autostrade” which means highway and take the direction of Trieste (towards the city of Trieste).

From Venice to Noventa di Piave, highway tolls are 3.5 Euros (≈3.94 USD) in one direction.
From Slovenia to Noventa di Piave, highway tolls are 7.5 Euros (≈8.44 USD) in one direction.

On the other hand, if you are really eager to spend the whole day shopping and you are visiting Venice without a car, you may decide to take a shuttle bus to Noventa di Piave.

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