

Famous People of Mostar

On this page you can read about famous people who marked the history of a city in different periods and areas. We have tried to single out celebrities who have contributed to the development of science, art, culture and the general development of society. Here you can find out about them, what they did and how they marked places and people with their creative work.

Aleksa Šantić

Aleksa Šantić

ALEKSA ŠANTIĆ. Considering how much I know the city of Mostar and my country, I could say that this poet raised Mostar to its feet in his verses and that he said the most about the city between the lines. Who knows about Mostar, knows about Aleksa Šantić. Only a song can describe him. The city of Behar, garden and fountain, grew together with Santic. He weaved all the beauty of the Neretva, the Old Bridge, difficult human destinies, unhappy loves and the beautiful Emina and with his verses took them to heaven. He was a Serbian poet and academic. He was born in Mostar in 1868.

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